Monday, April 21, 2008

Now a days I m gaining weight every day. The resons could be as I m working long hours sitting on the chair. Its almost hardly that I go out for other works . The day begins and I go to office . It takes 5 mins to go to my office . After that my works start and I keep working till 7 pm . Only some break in the middle of the day to take foods . Oh I take rice for lunch . Very bad as it also contribute to gain extra weight daily.

When I back home I start again working from my home pc. I usually works till 1 am . So almost 17 hrs sitting on the chair. I gain calorie every day but lose very less.

I have decided to loose my fat. I m searching here and there to find out real fatloss information. A lot of information .

I think i need to take some free hand excersice and diet plan. Not sure what I will take .

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