Sunday, November 26, 2006

Preparing directory submission information to convince three types of audience

3 different audience

While preparing information for directory submission , a very effective way to build one way links and getting some traffic, you need to keep in mind that you need to wind 3 different audience -
directory editors, search engines, visitors.

Information needed for submission:

Most directories need similar sort of information though there are directoreis that ask more information. Generally you will need folllowin information


Most important is directory editor:

It is the directory editors who you have to convince first. Generally they read title,description first and try to find whether it is submitted in the right category.If you submit in the rigth category and if they find that your
title and descripion is written following directory submission guidelines then he visits your site and try to find whether the site is worth to add .

So most important step is to convince the directory editor.
You must write the tiles and description in a way that they are not violating directory policies.
Avoid salsy words, promotional words
.Write such as that gives them the impression that the site is a quality site usefull for visitor

Failing to convince directory editors to add your site means you the death of your effort. No result it will bring you. Your labor is a waste of time.

My suggestion is to you better read some submission guidelines of various well-establiesed directory and read title and description of some already listed sites there.

Second, Search engine. Directory submission , as expert seo propessional advise to do is to get one way links and boost SERPs. You should write the description and title in a way that the purpose is well served. Though a their is a growing discussion
whether search engine values links from directories or not. A lagre numbers says yes while others disagrees. But no one says it hurt your site. But sitll it is popular amongh various leading webmasters. Acually it depedns how you do it.

Keep the major keyords in tile,
Write description that describing your sites with other keyowrds
Use alternate title and description - same title , same description in every directories is not good.

Thirdly human visitors. traffic from directories is not huge but still there are some. And in internet business when it so competitive you can not afford to ignore smallest no of visitors. Vistoris read the title and description. When they are in any directory reading a listing, naturally
they are looking for information. So title and describtion is such that it promises more information in the site.

Avoid being saley
being too much promotional
try to be informative

Directory submission still could bring you good result if you are successfull. Successfull submissions starts with getting approval from directory editrors then improving SERPs and increasing vistors. So the information you prepare for submission is very important. Prepare them to win your three types of audinece-Directory editors, search engines, visitors.

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